2020-2021 Catalog 
    Mar 12, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

World Languages

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Professors H. De Vries (Frederik Meijer Chair in Dutch Language and Culture; Dutch, German), P. Dykstra-Pruim (German), C. Roberts (German), O. Selles (French; chair), C. Slagter (Spanish), D. Ten Huisen (German, Spanish), A. Tigchelaar (Spanish), K. van Liere (Dutch), J. Vos-Camy (French)
Associate Professors L. Herzberg (Chinese and Japanese), S. Lamanna (Spanish)
Assistant Professors A. Ceballos-Zapata (Spanish), M. Rodríguez (Spanish)


The Chinese language program is part of the Asian studies program and is administered by the Department of World Languages. The Chinese language major includes eight Chinese language courses and four culture courses. There are two possible minors available, namely, the Chinese language minor and the Chinese study group minor. Chinese language courses can also be taken to fulfill the language component of the Asian Studies major or minor.

College Core Language Requirement

Completion of CHIN 202  satisfies the college core foreign language requirement.

Chinese Study-Abroad Opportunities

During fall semester of each year, Calvin offers its own full-time Chinese language and history program in Beijing, China at Capital Normal University (STCH). The program in Beijing is for students with or without prior knowledge of Chinese. The advisor for this program is L. Herzberg. 


The Dutch language program is administered by the Department of World Languages and consists of four language courses. Programs for students wishing to minor or major in Dutch are worked out for them individually by the department advisor.

College Core Language Requirement

Completion of DUTC 202  satisfies the college core foreign language requirement.

Other College Core Requirements

The Cross-Cultural Engagement core requirement may be met by DUTC W40 (Dutch Interim Abroad).

Dutch Study-Abroad Opportunities

Several opportunities for semester-abroad study in the Netherlands exist in programs approved or endorsed by Calvin. Participation in these programs can be arranged with assistance from the program director, H. De Vries.

The Dutch Interim Abroad (W40), offered every other January, is a three-week course in the Netherlands with homestays in families, interactions with the Dutch in social institutions (schools, churches, and governmental agencies, etc.), visits to historical sites, and cultural events. A Calvin professor prepares the students for cross-cultural learning before departure, accompanies them throughout, and leads students in reflection on their experiences.


The French Department offers courses of study for students interested in careers in which a world language plays a key role, for those interested in teaching French at the secondary or elementary school levels, and for those interested in continuing work on the graduate level. Programs in the department include major or minor concentrations in French and major or minor concentrations in secondary and elementary education. Approved courses from Calvin’s Study in France program may be applied to the program of concentration.

Major and minor students are encouraged to consult the French Department website.

In order to qualify for the elementary or secondary teaching internship in French, all major and minors students are expected to pass, prior to the teaching internship, a departmental competency exam in addition to the competency exam administered by the State of Michigan. French education majors and minors must obtain a minimum score of 80% on the French Departmental competency exam. French education majors and minors are also required to take an external oral proficiency interview in order to be certified. A ranking of Advanced-Low on the ACTFL Proficiency Scale constitutes the minimum required level of proficiency. Directed teaching in French is available only during the spring semester. Students interested in the teacher education options should consult the Education Program website. To be admitted to the teacher education program, a student must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 in the courses required for the major and/or minor.

Note: In order to obtain Advanced-Low on the ACTFL scale, students are strongly encouraged to participate in the French semester-abroad program or in one of the French interims abroad.

University Core Language Requirement

Completion of FREN 113  or FREN 202  satisfies the core foreign language requirement. Students who have not had any prior French may complete the foreign language requirement in four semesters by taking FREN 101  (fall), FREN 102  (spring), FREN 201  (fall), and FREN 202  (spring). Students may also complete this requirement in one year by taking FREN 131  (fall), FREN 132  (interim), and FREN 202  (spring). Students who meet the criteria for the Multisensory Structured courses may complete the requirement in one year with FREN 111  (fall), FREN 112  (interim), and FREN 113  (spring). Students who have had prior French may start with any course in a given sequence according to their ability as measured by the departmental placement exam, and comfort level. Students may also complete the requirement with the Study in France program. See below.

Other University Core Requirements
  • The cross-cultural engagement core requirement may be met by the department’s W60, W80 interim courses, or by the Study in France program (STFR) STFR 330 .
  • The core literature requirement may be met by FREN 351  or FREN 361 .
  • The global and historical studies core requirement may be met by FREN 362 /STFR 362, or STFR 363 .
  • The arts core requirement may be met by FREN 375 .
  • The integrative studies core requirement may be met by FREN 394 , FREN 395 , or FREN 396 .
Study in France

Calvin offers an advanced language and literature program and a core language program in Grenoble, France. Through courses taught by the program director and those offered at the Centre Universitaire d’Etudes Françaises (CUEF) of the Université de Grenoble Alpes, students obtain 15 semester hours of language, literature, and culture credit. The Study in France program allows students to complete the core Cross Cultural Engagement requirement with STFR 330  and the core Global and Historical Studies with STFR 362 or STFR 363 . Students have the possibility of completing other core requirements depending on the courses they choose to take at the CUEF. FREN 301  and FREN 302  are prerequisites for the advanced program. FREN 351  is recommended.

Students with little or no previous French may complete the foreign language core requirement through the Study in France program. Students enroll in intensive language courses at the Centre Universitaire d’Etudes Françaises of the Université de Grenoble 3 Stendhal and live with host families. In addition to completing the foreign language requirement, students also fulfill the core Cross Cultural Engagement requirement with STFR 330 . Students obtain 12 semester hours of language credit and 3 hours of credit for STFR 330  for a total of 15 semester hours.


The German Studies major and minor draw together language learning, intercultural skills, and exploration of German cultural and historical identities as expressed in literature, film, visual media, and online texts, as well as products, practices, and worldviews. Calvin-sponsored abroad programs play an important role. Opportunities include study, internships, and work in Germany and Austria for the interim, a semester, the academic year, or the summer. Students interested in these abroad opportunities should work out the details with the department chair, the director of off-campus programs, and the office of academic services.

College Core Language Requirement

Completion of GERM 202  satisfies the college core foreign language requirement. Students who have not had any prior German may complete the foreign language requirement with a three-course sequence: GERM 121  (fall), GERM 150  (interim), GERM 202  (spring). Students wishing to begin language study in the spring may complete the core sequence with GERM 121  (spring), GERM 201  (fall), GERM 202  (spring). The core language requirement can also be met with one semester study in Vienna, Austria, on the beginning-language track. Students in academic programs with reduced core requirements may complete the foreign language core with any two-course beginning sequence: GERM 121  followed by GERM 150 , GERM 201 .

Other College Core Requirements
  • The Cross-Cultural Engagement core requirement may be met by GERM W80 (German Interim Abroad).
  • The core Literature requirement may be met by GERM 303 .
  • The Rhetoric and Culture core requirement may be met by GERM 362 .
  • The Arts core requirement may be met by GERM 371 .
  • The Global and Historical Studies core requirement may be met by GERM 372 .
German Study-Abroad Opportunities

Calvin offers or sponsors many abroad opportunities in German-speaking Europe. The semester in Vienna, Austria, preceded by one or two months of intensive language learning in Germany, offers both an advanced language, literature, and culture track and a core language track for a semester or the entire year. The basic language track requires no prior knowledge of German and can be completed in a semester. On this program, students typically accumulate 16-20 semester hours of credit in one semester. Much of what is taken in the advanced track may count toward the German major or minor. The semester abroad track of the German Studies major assumes participation in one Goethe Institut course plus a minimum of 9 hours of German course work in Vienna. Participation in these programs is arranged by the program director, C. Roberts of the Department of World Languages.

The German Interim Abroad (W80), offered every January, is a four-week course in Germany with homestays in families, interactions with Germans in social institutions (schools, churches, and governmental agencies, etc.), visits to historical sites, and cultural events. A Calvin professor prepares the students for cross-cultural learning before departure, accompanies them throughout, and leads students in reflection on their experiences. GERM 301  or an approved equivalent is the prerequisite for participation on the GIA. Scholarships are available.

Other abroad opportunities that are regularly available but must be arranged individually include summer internships, the summer work program, and the Engineering in Berlin Summer Program.


The Japanese language program is part of the Asian studies program and is administered by the Department of World Languages. The Japanese program consists four language courses, which can be taken to fulfill the language component of the Asian studies major or minor.

College Core Language Requirement

Completion of JAPN 202  satisfies the college core foreign language requirement.

Japanese Study-Abroad Opportunities

During both fall and spring semesters students may participate in a semester program of intensive Japanese language study at the Japan Center for Michigan Universities (JCMU) in Hikone, Japan. The center is run in cooperation with the University of Michigan, Michigan State University and other Michigan colleges and universities. In the summer only intensive Japanese language courses are offered in Japan. The advisor for this program is L. Herzberg.


The Korean language program is part of the Asian studies program and is administered by the Department of World Languages. The Korean program consists four language courses, which can be taken to fulfill the language component of the Asian studies major or minor.

College Core Language Requirement

Completion of KOR 202  satisfies the college core foreign language requirement.

Korean Study-Abroad Opportunities

During both fall and spring semesters students may participate in a semester exchange program at Handong University, a Christian College in Pohang, South Korea. This program is an exchange program, which Calvin has developed to allow an equal number of students to be exchanged between the two institutions. Participation in this program is arranged by the program director, L. Herzberg.


Core Requirements

Students must demonstrate competency in a world language that is equivalent to two years of study in college. Core competence in Spanish can be demonstrated by successful completion of one of the following:

  • SPAN 202 ​ or SPAN 203  
  • Core-level Spanish Semester in Spain
  • Four years of high school Spanish (minimum grade of C each semester)
Information for Education Students

Students interested in teacher education programs in Spanish, Bilingual Education, or ESL should meet with the appropriate Spanish Department advisor as soon as possible to map out a four-year plan.

All students in the Spanish education and bilingual programs must successfully complete proficiency exams in both oral and written Spanish prior to applying for the student teacher internship (junior year). Information on the scheduling and cost of each test is available from the Spanish Department.

The student teacher internship in secondary Spanish is available only in the spring semester.

Credit Exams

Credit exams in the department are offered four times each year on the same dates as the proficiency examinations. Credit exams are not available for SPAN 201  or SPAN 202 .

Off-Campus Programs

Spanish Studies in Spain (STSP). During the interim and spring semester of each year, Calvin offers an advanced Spanish program in Oviedo, Spain. Students take 15-20 semester hours towards a Spanish major or minor. All students live individually with Spanish families, participate in educational excursions, and attend classes on the campus of the Universidad de Oviedo. Prerequisite: SPAN 301 .

Spanish Studies in Peru (STPE). From mid-August through the fall semester, participants in this advanced program study on the campus of the Universidad Católica San Pablo in Arequipa, Peru. Students take 12-17 hours toward a Spanish major or minor; they enroll in both Calvin and San Pablo courses, live individually with local families, and participate in educational excursions and optional extracurricular activities. Prerequisite: SPAN 301 .

Spanish Studies in Honduras (SPHO). During interim and spring semester, Calvin offers an advanced Spanish program for majors and minors in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Students take 15-20 hours toward a Spanish major or minor in courses that combine intensive study of Spanish with an exploration of the meaning of faith in the developing world. All students live individually with Honduran families, participate in educational excursions, and attend classes on the campus of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán. Prerequisite: SPAN 301 . The director for this program is M. Rodríguez.

Spanish Interim in Yucatan, Mexico (SPAN W80). During this interim, students spend three weeks immersed in Mexican culture and Spanish language while living with families in Merida, Yucatan. Students participate in excursions to Mayan ruins, various lecture classes, and religious and cultural events. Prerequisite: SPAN 201  and permission of the program director.


    MajorMinorGroup Minor


      ChineseDutchFrenchGermanJapanese Language and LiteratureKoreanSpanish: Core Language CoursesSpanish: Language and Linguistics CoursesSpanish: Culture and Literature CoursesSpanish: Spanish for the ProfessionsSpanish: Education Courses

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