2020-2021 Catalog 
    Feb 06, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Information

Tuition and Fees

Tuition for the academic year is $37,600; on-campus housing with an unlimited meal plan is $10,800; the estimated cost for books and supplies is $1,300. There is also a required wellness fee of $206. 

Students taking fewer than 12 credit hours in a semester will be charged on a per-credit hour basis. Those taking more than 17 credit hours in a semester will be charged at the per-credit hour rate for the additional courses. The interim and spring semesters are billed together as one semester. A student may take a total of 17 credits between January interim and spring and be charged the full time flat rate of $18,800.

Undergraduate Tuition & Fees

Tuition, full-time load per year    
  (12-17 total credit hours): $37,600  
On-campus room and unlimited meal plan per year $10,800  
Wellness Fee 206  
Tuition, per-credit hour rates:    
  1-5 total hours (per credit hour) $904  
  6-11 total hours (per credit hour) $1,407  
  18th hour and above (per credit hour) $904  
Tuition, auditing, per credit hour:    
  1/2 the normal per credit hour rate    
Additional Course Charges    
  Engineering 339 & 340 per course $325  
  Nursing per year $2,600  
  Speech Pathology 530, 531, 532 per course $900  

Some courses in art, kinesiology and the sciences also have course fees. See course descriptions for details.

Graduate Program Tuition & Fees


Accounting (5th yr) per credit hour $834  
Education per credit hour $549  
Geographic Information Systems per credit hour $904  
Media & Strategic Communication per credit hour $750  
Speech Pathology (5th yr) per credit hour $917  


Enrollment deposit    
(U.S. & Canadian students) $300  
Enrollment deposit    
(International students) $2,500  

Miscellaneous Fees

Payment Plan Fee (annual, non-refundable) $120  
New Student Fees:    
   Orientation Fee: $175  
   International Orientation Fee: $450  
   Transfer Student Orientation Fee:   $150
   Encore Orientation Fee: $150  
Individual Music Instruction:    
   12 One hour lessons per semester - non-credit $720  
   12 Half-hour lessons per semester - non-credit $360  
   12 One hour lessons per semester - for credit $900  
Off-campus program fee $402  
Examination fee (course credit) $100  
Examination fee (exemption) $50  
Transcript fee $5  
Visitor fee, per course $55  
One Year Parking Permit $195  
United HealthCare Student Insurance - annual $1,758  

Payment for each semester’s tuition, room and board are to be made in full on September 4 for the fall semester and January 4 for the spring semester unless a payment plan is selected. 

Course fees and off-campus travel costs are in addition to any tuition charges.

Calvin administers all billing statements electronically. Students are advised via email that statements are available online. Additionally, students may set up authorized users on the Student Billing and Payment Center that will allow access to statements and online billing tools. An email will be sent to each authorized user when a statement is ready to be viewed.

The balance for total tuition, room and board charges are reduced by financial aid a student receives for the semester.  Accounts not paid on time are subject to a late payment fee of 1% per payment period on the outstanding minimum amount due. Students whose accounts are not paid according to the schedule will be prohibited from registering for future classes. Transcripts are not issued for students with past due accounts. The ability to charge miscellaneous expenses to a campus billing account will also be suspended.

Any charges or credits not directly related to the student’s tuition, room or board are placed on a separate billing statement called the Statement of Miscellaneous Charges. This is posted on the student’s online account on a monthly basis and all charges are due in full on the 1st of each month.

Students are required to maintain accurate local and permanent home billing addresses. Should a student’s account become delinquent, the account may be placed with an outside collection agency. All fees associated with the collection process shall be the responsibility of the student and will be added to the student’s total account balance.

An enrollment deposit is required of all enrolling first-year, transfer and international re-admitted students. This deposit serves as a confirmation of the student’s plan to enroll and is credited to the Statement of Miscellaneous Charges and is used as payment towards the orientation fee, and any other charges the student might put on this account. First-year students must pay this deposit by May 1. The due date for transfer students is June 1. The enrollment deposit is not refundable after the due date. Former students who have been readmitted to the university must pay their enrollment deposit by August 1.

Course Audits

Students with 0 to 5 non-audit total credits who choose to audit a class will be charged at $452 per credit hour for the audited course.

Students with 6 to 11 non-audit total credits who choose to audit a class will be charged at $704 per credit hour for the audited course.

Students with 12-17 non-audit total credits will incur no extra charge for auditing a course.

Students with more than 17 non-audit total credits who choose to audit a class will be charged at $452 per credit hour for the audited course that exceeds the semester credit limit.

Students who switch a non-audit class to an audit class will have their financial aid revised as necessary. There is no financial aid for an audited course. Students are strongly encouraged to consult with the Financial Aid Office before switching a non-audit class to an audit status.

Check Cashing Policy

Students may cash personal and payroll checks upon presentation of a valid Calvin University ID card. Checks may not exceed $200.00 and must be made payable to “Cash” or to the person cashing the check. Cashing of third party checks is not permitted.

A bounced check fee will be assessed on all paper or electronic checks returned by the bank either for insufficient funds or incorrect account numbers. For the amount of the fee please refer to the Financial Services website. In addition, check cashing privileges will be subject to suspension if three checks are returned during any nine-month period. Check cashing privileges will also be suspended if a student has an unsatisfactory financial account balance with Calvin University.

All checks returned by the bank will automatically be deposited a second time unless prohibited by the payer’s banking institution.

Calvin University does not accept post-dated checks. All checks, regardless of date, will be deposited upon receipt.

Institutional Withdrawals


How discontinuing enrollment at Calvin affects tuition charges and financial aid.
Students considering dropping a class(es) or withdrawing completely are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office to evaluate the impact this decision will have on tuition, room & board charges and existing financial aid.


  • Withdrawing means the student will no longer attend any classes for the given term.
  • Dropping a class or classes means the student will no longer attend one or more classes but remains enrolled in other classes for the given term.
  • Refund Schedule is the percentage of original tuition refunded based on the date of the dropped class(es) or complete withdrawal.  Calendar days begin the first day of classes.
    • Fall or Spring term
      • Calendar days 1-10 100%
      • Calendar days 11-24 80%
      • Calendar days 25-31 60%
      • Calendar days 32-38 40%
      • After 38 calendar days 0%


  • Summer Term—3 or 4 week classes
    • Calendar days 1-2 100%
    • Calendar days 3-4 50%
    • Calendar days 5-6 25%
    • Calendar days 7+ 0%


  • 8 week classes
    • Calendar days 1-7 100%
    • Calendar days 8-15 60%
    • Calendar days 16+ 0%
  • Room & board charges — prorated based on the amount of time the student is on-campus for the given term. For refund purposes the first calendar day is the earliest day on which rooms are available for occupancy for the applicable semester.
    • Fall or Spring term
      • Calendar days 1-10 90%
      • Calendar days 11-24 70%
      • Calendar days 25-31 50%
      • Calendar days 32-56 30%
      • Calendar days 57-75 10%
      • Calendar days 76+ 0%
  • Other charges — laboratory fees, art material fees, application fees, and health insurance fees or other fees not listed here are non-refundable.

Process when a student drops a class(es):

Students dropping one or more courses, but not withdrawing completely may have their tuition charge for those courses adjusted, depending on the date of the dropped classes. Financial aid from all sources will be reviewed and may be reduced based on revised tuition charges. A student initiates dropping the class(es) by contacting the Registrar’s Office in the Center for Student Success.  It is not necessary for the student to notify the Financial Aid Office after dropping a class(es). Any needed adjustments to aid and/or tuition will be displayed on a subsequent bill from the Financial Services Office.

Process when a student withdraws completely from all classes:

Students who withdraw completely before completing 60% of the semester will have their financial aid eligibility for the semester reevaluated based on revised tuition charges and length of time enrolled. Students may be required to return a portion of the aid they originally received to the appropriate federal, state or institutional program (see Calvin’s Return to Title IV Funds policy for greater details.).

Program specific details regarding returning federal, state or institutional funds for students who withdraw completely:

  • US Department of Education Federal (Title IV) Aid — If a student withdraws completely before completing 60% of the semester, Calvin will determine the percentage of federal aid the student has earned.  The percentage is determined by dividing the total number of calendar days in the semester into the number of calendar days completed as of the withdrawal date.  Any unearned aid must be returned.  For greater detail please read Calvin’s  Return to Title IV Funds policy.
  • State of Michigan Aid — Eligibility for a state of Michigan award is based on a student’s enrollment on the 10th day of the given term.  Any adjustments to enrollment after this date will not impact the state award. 
  • Institutional Aid — For students withdrawing completely a revised tuition charge will be calculated (if applicable) based on the withdrawal date as indicated above. If needed, reductions in institutional aid are calculated based on the ratio of original tuition charged and final, actual tuition charged. 

If tuition, room and board recalculations result in the student owing Calvin, the student should work with the Financial Services Office to pay the remaining amount as quickly as possible. If the student is owed a refund, the Financial Services Office will issue a check or EFT to the student for the amount of the credit balance.

The U.S. Department of Education policy stipulates if the total of all Title IV funds (Federal Loans and Grants) credited to a student’s account exceeds the current allowable charge, the student is deemed to have a credit balance and is, by law, due a credit balance refund. In compliance with federal regulations Calvin must obtain written authorization from the student (and parents in the case of Federal Direct PLUS Loans) to allow Title IV funds (Federal Loans and Grants) to remain on the student’s account to pay for future charges. These authorizations are completely voluntary and can be revoked at any time. An Authorization to Hold Excess Funds Form and the Title IV Credit Refunds Policy can be found here: https://calvin.edu/directory/policies/title-iv-credit-balance-refunds


Scholarships and Financial Aid

Calvin participates in federal and state financial aid programs available to our students. In addition, Calvin funds a number of its own programs, which are used to supplement federal and state programs. Financial assistance is available through the following programs:

  • Scholarships - Scholarships do not require repayment and are typically awarded based on academics or another area of achievement or qualification. Calvin’s scholarship programs include academic scholarships, diversity awards, and named scholarships.
  • Need-based Scholarships and Grants - State and federal programs are available based on need as demonstrated on the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) at www.fafsa.gov. Calvin also funds its own grant program for students who are not eligible for state or federal grants or who need more assistance than state and federal programs provide.
  • Loans - Federal loans are available to assist with college expenses and must be repaid, often with interest.
  • Employment - On-campus jobs are available through federal work-study and through Calvin student-employment programs.

The steps for applying for financial aid and related financial aid policies are found on Calvin’s website. Those who apply for financial aid receive an award package indicating their eligibility for aid, including scholarships, grants, and loans. Questions regarding financial aid should be directed to the Financial Aid Office. Details regarding scholarships and financial aid can be found on Calvin’s website.

Scholarships and Awards

Calvin offers scholarships to recognize and encourage academic excellence. The amount of a student’s academic scholarship and/or other award is determined at the time of the original award.

Academic Scholarships

Calvin’s academic scholarships are awarded based on the student’s academic record. Students are automatically considered for an academic scholarship soon after admission. Calvin accepts GPAs and standardized test scores through March 1.

Other Awards

Other awards are offered based on a variety of student characteristics and other criteria. The Mosaic Award is awarded to incoming North American ethnic minority students and International students in an effort to develop a community that values cultural understanding, a diverse student body, and an enhanced quality of education. Majority students with significant cross-cultural experience are also considered for the award. It requires no additional application and is automatically renewable.

The First Generation Award is awarded to incoming students whose parents did not earn a bachelor’s degree and recognizes the added barriers that make it difficult for first-generation students to attend college. It requires no additional application and is automatically renewable.

The Legacy Award is awarded to first-year students who are children of alumni or whose parents are members of the Christian Reformed Church. It requires no additional application and is automatically renewable.

Named Scholarships

The university’s named scholarships consider such factors as program of study, financial need, vocational aspirations, and a variety of other criteria. Thanks to the gifts of generous alumni and friends of the university, Calvin students also benefit from close to 800 named and departmental scholarships. Through these awards, Calvin donors provide recognition and financial support to students, promote certain fields of study, encourage students in their chosen vocations and career paths, and advance Christ’s Kingdom. 

These scholarships vary in criteria, amount, and impact on Calvin’s institutional commitment and need-based financial aid. A searchable database with full descriptions of these scholarships, application procedures, and eligibility requirements can be found on Calvin’s website. Maximum consideration for name scholarships is given to students who apply for named scholarships between December 1 and February 1. For scholarships where financial need is required, an application for financial aid is required. 

Scholarship and Award Renewal

Academic scholarships and certain other awards are renewable if the student maintains a qualifying cumulative Calvin GPA as outlined on Calvin’s website. Renewal criteria and amounts are based on the original scholarship received and the renewal requirements in place at the time of the original award. 

Need-Based Financial Aid

Need-based financial aid is available to students from Calvin, the federal government, and various state and provincial governments. Students can begin applying for need-based aid in October.  Institutional commitment represents guaranteed financial aid in the form of Calvin need-based grants, named scholarships, and all other institutional gift aid determined at a later date.

Applications for need-based aid must be filed each year as follows:

U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens:

  • Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) at www.fafsa.gov
  • The Special Circumstances Form may also be completed to communicate additional and special financial circumstance

International (including Canadians):

  • Complete Calvin’s International Student Application for Financial Aid
  • Provide supporting financial documents

Additional information may be required to complete the financial aid application process. 

Calvin Grant The university established a program for students who have financial need. Awards are dependent on need and other financial aid received including named scholarships.  During the course of a student’s initial financial aid packaging, this grant may be referred to as institutional commitment.

Federal Pell Grants The Pell Grant Program, currently funded by the federal government for U.S. citizens and eligible noncitizens, is designed to provide grant assistance to high need students. Only students in undergraduate programs are eligible.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant This is a program currently funded by the federal government and provides funds to the university for high need students. Recipients must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. and must be enrolled in an undergraduate program.

Federal Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant The TEACH Grant Program is currently a non-need based program funded by the federal government. It provides grants of up to $4,000 per year to students who agree to teach a subject in high demand in a public or private elementary or secondary school serving students from low-income families for at least four years. Recipients not qualified based on standardized test score must maintain a cumulative Calvin GPA of 3.25 or higher and must meet the four-year requirement within eight calendar years of completing the program of study for which they received a TEACH Grant. If recipients fail to complete this service obligation, all amounts of TEACH Grants that have been received will be converted to a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan.

Federal Direct Loan Program The federal government currently provides subsidized and unsubsidized loans through this program to U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens to assist with education expenses. The amount of the subsidized loan is dependent on financial need and class level, ranging from a maximum amount of $3,500 per year for first year students and $5,500 per year for juniors and seniors. Dependent students who receive the maximum subsidized loan are also eligible for a $2,000 unsubsidized loan. Independent students have additional unsubsidized loan eligibility depending upon their class level. Students who are not eligible for the maximum amount of a subsidized loan are eligible for increased amounts of an unsubsidized loan. The unsubsidized loan is not based on financial need. Both loans have fixed interest rates. The subsidized loan is interest-free while the student is enrolled at least half time, while the unsubsidized loan accrues interest from the time it is disbursed. Both loans enter repayment six months after the student ceases to be enrolled at least half time. All federal direct loans for graduate students are unsubsidized, with a maximum loan eligibility of $20,500 per academic year.

Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) The federal government currently provides non-need-based loans to parents of undergraduate students. Parents must have an acceptable credit history to qualify. The maximum loan eligibility is the cost of attendance minus all other financial aid. These loans accrue interest at a fixed rate until the loan is paid in full.

Federal Work-Study Program A federal aid program currently providing funds for part-time on-campus employment or in approved off-campus agencies. Student’s must demonstrate financial need by completing the FAFSA, and be enrolled at least half time.

Canada Student Loans The Canadian government sponsors an interest-free loan program for Canadian citizens with a maximum loan depending on the province. Application forms are available from provincial Offices of Education.

Michigan Competitive Scholarships and Tuition Grants The State of Michigan provides awards to Michigan residents attending eligible institutions in the state. Competitive Scholarships are awarded on the basis of standardized test score (SAT required) and financial need. Tuition Grants are awarded solely on the basis of need. All awards from the state of Michigan are for undergraduate students only. The state currently requires a FAFSA filing deadline of March 1 in order to be eligible. The awards are contingent on the State of Michigan’s approved annual budget.

Post-Baccalaureate Awarding

Post-baccalaureate students who are degree-seeking or on a certification track are eligible for financial aid consideration in a limited number of financial aid programs and are encouraged to complete the FAFSA. These students will be considered for institutional need-based grants and federal student loans. Post-baccalaureate students may also apply for some institutional scholarships specific to post-baccalaureate study. Post-baccalaureate students are not eligible for federal or state need-based grants or Calvin academic scholarships and most other awards. Calvin graduates who return as post-baccalaureate students are only eligible for aid if seeking a different type of degree.

Graduate Awarding

Graduate students are eligible for financial aid consideration in a very limited number of financial aid programs and are encouraged to complete the FAFSA to confirm eligibility for federal student loans. Graduate students may also be eligible to apply for the Federal TEACH Grant.

Awarding Policies

The total amount of aid from all sources, including all loans, grants, scholarships, waivers and military benefits cannot exceed a student’s budgeted cost of attendance: tuition, room, board, books, personal living expenses and transportation expenses. If total aid exceeds the budgeted cost of attendance, financial aid will be reduced beginning with loan eligibility, followed by institutional grants, waivers and scholarships.

The total amount of institutional gift aid (any/all Calvin scholarships, grants and waivers) cannot exceed tuition. If total institutional gift aid exceeds tuition, aid will be reduced beginning with institutional grants followed by institutional waivers and scholarships. If tuition is covered by an outside source or multiple outside sources, the student will not be eligible for institutional gift aid. 

Financial aid for repeated coursework is only available in limited situations. Based on federal policy, financial aid is only available to students on their second attempt of a previously passed course. While students are allowed to take a previously passed course for the third time, no financial aid will be provided.

Students receiving any military benefit (i.e., ROTC, Post 9/11, Yellow Ribbon, etc.) may have an adjustment made to their institutional aid once final amounts of military funding are confirmed.

There are limitations on what aid a student can receive once program requirements have been met.  Students in this situation should contact the Financial Aid Office. 

Enrollment Requirements for Financial Aid

Most scholarships and financial aid programs require at least half time enrollment (6 semester hours per semester for undergraduates and 4.5 for graduate students). Students who enroll at least half time but less than full time can be considered for financial aid in reduced amounts. Audited classes are excluded in determining eligibility for financial aid and there is no financial aid for any audited classes.

The Federal Pell Grant and TEACH Grant are based on the number of hours for which a student is registered.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Calvin maintains a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy. Students must maintain an appropriate cumulative GPA and completion percentage in order to qualify for financial aid in most programs. These requirements are established to ensure students who receive financial aid are progressing toward degree completion. The SAP policy aligns with the university’s standards used for academic probation and dismissal.