2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Science Education Studies
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Professors C. Bruxvoort, J. Jadrich
Assistant Professor K. Bergwerff
Courses listed under the Science Education Studies (SCES) Department are open to all Calvin students meeting the course prerequisites, although their primary intent is to serve students in the teacher education program. Students wanting both certification and the flexibility to teach any science course at the middle or high school level must major (secondary education students) or at least minor (elementary education students) in integrated science studies. More detailed descriptions of these programs can be found in the Teacher Education Program Guidebook.
To graduate with honors in integrated science, a student must satisfy the requirements of the college honors program; earn a minimum GPA of 3.3 within the integrated science major; complete a total of six honors courses (18 hours minimum) overall, including two courses from outside the major, four courses from among courses in the integrated science major, and no more than three courses from the same discipline; and complete a pre-approved (by the chair of the Science Education Group) honors thesis in science, science education, or another approved practicum.
ProgramsMajorMinorCoursesScience Education Studies
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