2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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Professors C. Beversluis, L. DeHaan, M. Gunnoe, P. Moes (chair), S. Stehouwer, D. Tellinghuisen
Associate Professors E. Helder, B. Riek, J. Yonker
The department offers a varied set of courses dealing with important facets of individual human functioning. The major and minor programs in psychology are designed to allow students flexibility to select courses that fit their present interests and their future expectations. Students majoring in psychology often enter human service careers or they pursue graduate study in psychology and related fields. A student handbook for majors can be obtained from the department office. The Psychology Department also offers an optional Neuroscience Concentration within the major. See the full description and requirements for this concentration below.
Students planning a major or minor in psychology are advised to take PSYC 151 as their first course in psychology. PSYC 151 , PSYC 255 , and PSYC 399 satisfy requirements for the general college core as well as for major or minor programs of study in psychology. The college’s cross-cultural engagement (CCE) requirement can be met by completing both PSYC 208 and PSYC 209 or by taking the psychology interim in Europe.
Students wishing to graduate with honors in psychology must maintain a minimum college GPA of 3.5 as well as 3.5 within the major. Students must complete at least six honors courses (18 semester hours minimum). Three of these courses must be in psychology and three must be from outside of the major. One of the psychology honors courses must involve an honors research paper in PSYC 356 or a comparable honors project in PSYC 390 .
Psychology majors who have demonstrated ability in their psychology courses are encouraged to apply for an internship placement during their junior or senior year. PSYC 380 provides a four-semester hour credit internship experience in one of a variety of areas of professional psychological practice and/or research (see course description). These experiences can provide important background for bachelor’s degree level employment or graduate education in psychology.
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