2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Student Sucess
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T. Brophy (Associate Director), K. Heys (Associate Director)
Assistant Professors J. Du Mez (English), A. Rose (Mathematics)
Instructors S. Vander Bie, L. Page Vrooman
The Center for Student Success provides courses in English composition (ENGL 100 and ENGL 102 ), mathematics (ASC 004 and ASC 005 ), and college learning strategies (ASC 111 and ASC 112 ). These courses are designed to build academic competencies that help students find success as a student at Calvin College. Courses numbered 100 and above carry graduation credit and calculate in the GPA. Courses numbered below 100 do not carry graduation credit or calculate in the GPA.; they are, however, recognized as registered units, and count toward full-time status and financial aid eligibility.
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