Mar 13, 2025
GEO 341 - Geology Field Methods (3) SP, alternate years. Geology Field Methods teaches basic field observation, identification, and mapping skills for advanced students in Geology programs. Several on-campus preparatory sessions in April precede the 2-week May field portion in SW Montana. We visit superb exposures of many varieties of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, as well as outstanding examples of normal and thrust faulting. We examine a variety of active and inactive mines including copper, gold, silver, and talc deposits, and study the environmental impacts of mining. After a study of the regional stratigraphy, a mapping project focuses on complex structure and rock deformation and teaches field mapping techniques. Most of the class will be in the field with daily trips. Longer excursions will visit volcanic exposures in Idaho and Wyoming, including Craters of the Moon National Monument and Yellowstone National Park. NOTE: The field portion of this course is two weeks immediately following spring commencement. A fee applies.
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