2016-2017 Catalog 
    Dec 17, 2024  
2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Faculty members on leave of absence for the academic year are indicated by a dagger (†), those on leave for the first semester are indicated by an asterisk (*), and those on leave for the second semester are indicated by double asterisks (**).




Henry Aay, Ph.D.

Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies, Emeritus

M. Joy De Boer Anema, M.S.W.

Associate Registrar, Emerita

Roy M. Anker, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of English, Emeritus


Judith A. Baker, M.S.N.

Assistant Professor of Nursing, Emerita

Martinus A. Bakker, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Germanic Languages, Emeritus

Claude-Marie Baldwin-Vos, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of French, Emerita

Henry J. Baron, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of English, Emeritus

Daniel H. Bays, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of History, Emeritus

John D. Beebe, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Biology, Emeritus

Marilyn R. Bierling, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Spanish, Emerita

Ronald L. Blankespoor, Ph.D.

Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus

Donald A. Boender, M.A.

Dean of Men, Emeritus

Warren J. Boer, M.A., D.Min.

Director of Broene Center, Emeritus

Edgar G. Boevé, M.S.D.

Professor of Art, Emeritus

Robert Bolt, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of History, Emeritus

Helen Bonzelaar, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Art, Emerita

Bette D. Bosma, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Education, Emerita

Jack A. Bosscher, M.A., M.Ed.

Associate Professor, Academic Services, Emeritus

James P. Bosscher, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Engineering, Emeritus

James Bradley, Ph.D., M.S.

Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, Emeritus

Al D. Bratt, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor of Biology, Emeritus

James D. Bratt, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Professor of History, Emeritus

Kenneth D. Bratt, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Classics, Emeritus

Wallace H. Bratt, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Germanic Languages, Emeritus

Daryl M. Brink, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus

John H. Brink, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology, Emeritus

Conrad J. Bult, A.M.L.S.

Assistant Director of the Library, Emeritus

Gaylen J. Byker, J.D., M.A., Ph.D.

President, Emeritus

Randall L. Bytwerk, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences, Emeritus


Barbara Carvill, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Germanic Languages, Emerita

Dale J. Cooper, B.D.

Chaplain, Emeritus

Elsa Cortina, Doctora en Pedagogía, M.A.

Professor of Spanish, Emerita


Gordon L. De Blaey, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Sociology, Emeritus

Peter P. De Boer, M.A., M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Education, Emeritus

Peter Y. De Jong, M.A., Ph.D., M.S.W.

Professor of Social Work, Emeritus

Richard G. De Jong, S.M., Sc.D.

Professor of Engineering, Emeritus

Roger L. DeKock, Ph.D.

Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus

Bert de Vries, B.D., M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of History, Emeritus

Robert L. De Vries, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Political Science, Emeritus

Derald D. De Young, M.M., Ph.D.

Professor of Music, Emeritus

Anthony J. Diekema, M.A., Ph.D.

President, Emeritus

David J. Diephouse, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of History, Emeritus

Johanna Z. Duyst, A.M.L.S.

Librarian, Emerita


Edward E. Ericson Jr., M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of English, Emeritus


P. Mark Fackler, M.A., M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences, Emeritus

Cheryl J. Feenstra, M.S.N., Ph.D.

Professor of Nursing, Emerita

Earl D. Fife, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Emeritus

Gerard Fondse Jr., M.A.

Assistant Professor of English, Emeritus


Alan I. Gebben, M.A.T., M.S., Ph.D.

Professor of Biology, Emeritus

Bethany A. Gordon, M.S.N.

Assistant Professor of Nursing, Emerita

Edna C. Greenway, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Spanish, Emerita

Samuel E. Greydanus, M.A.

Professor of History, Emeritus

Roger D. Griffioen, Ph.D.

Professor of Physics, Emeritus


John E. Hamersma, M.S.M., S.M.D.

Professor of Music, Emeritus

Janice B. Heerspink, M.A.

Student Academic Services, Emerita

Cornelius P. Hegewald, M.A., D.A.G.

Professor of Germanic Languages, Emeritus

Henry Hoeks, Ed.D.

Professor of Religion and Theology, Emeritus
Academic Administration Associate, Emeritus

Thomas B. Hoeksema, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Education, Emeritus

Henry Holstege Jr., Ph.D.

Professor of Sociology, Emeritus

Philip C. Holtrop, Ph.D.

Professor of Religion and Theology, Emeritus

Ralph J. Honderd, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Physical Education, Emeritus

Beryl L. Hugen, M.S.W., Ph.D.

Professor of Social Work, Emeritus

Carl J. Huisman, M.F.A.

Professor of Art, Emeritus

Gertrude A. Huizenga, M.A., M.M., Ph.D.

Professor of Music, Emerita

Nancy L. Hull, M.A.

Assistant Professor of English, Emerita


Henry P. Ippel, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of History, Emeritus

Lester B. Ippel

Controller, Emeritus


Thomas L. Jager, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus

Robert A. Jensen, M.F.A.

Professor of Art, Emeritus

Anamarie L. Joosse, M.A., Ed.S.

Counselor, Broene Center, Emerita

Wayne G. Joosse, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology, Emeritus


Carl W. Kaiser, M.S.

Associate Professor of Music, Emeritus

Corrine E. Kass, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Education, Emerita

Beverly J. Klooster, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor of Biology, Emerita

Irene Konyndyk, M.A.

Assistant Professor of French, Emerita

James D. Korf, M.A., M.F.A.

Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences, Emeritus

Albion J. Kromminga, Ph.D.

Professor of Physics, Emeritus


W. David Laverell, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor of Computer Science, Emeritus

Olga H. Leder, M.Ed.

Assistant Professor of Spanish, Emerita

Arie Leegwater, Ph.D.

Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus

Sanford C. Leestma, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, Emeritus

Philip R. Lucasse, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Education, Emeritus


James J. MacKenzie, M.S., Ph.D.

Director of Student Academic Services, Emeritus

Robert L. Medema, M.B.A., C.P.A.

Associate Professor of Business, Emeritus

Clarence Menninga, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Geology, Emeritus

Daniel R. Miller, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of History, Emeritus

George N. Monsma Jr., M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Economics, Emeritus

Marvin E. Monsma, M.A., M.A.L.S.

Director of Hekman Library, Emeritus

Beverly H. Morrison, Ph.D.

Counselor, Student Academic Services, Emerita

Merle R. Mustert, M.M.

Associate Professor of Music, Emeritus


Ann J. Noteboom, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences, Emerita

Larry R. Nyhoff, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor of Computer Science, Emeritus


Diane B. Obenchain, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Religion, Emerita

Barbara Omolade, M.A., Ph.D.

Dean for Multicultural Affairs, Emerita
Professor of Sociology, Emerita

Donald Oppewal, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Education, Emeritus

Clifton J. Orlebeke, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus

Charlotte F. Otten, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of English, Emerita

Chris S. Overvoorde, M.F.A.

Professor of Art, Emeritus

Thomas J. Ozinga, Ph.D.

Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences, Emeritus


Michael J. Page, Ph.D.

Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences, Emeritus

Jeffrey R. Pettinga, M.A.

Assistant Professor of Physical Education, Emeritus

Kenneth Piers, B.Sc., hons., Ph.D.

Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus

Arden R. Post, M.Ed., Ed.D.

Professor of Education, Emerita

John H. Primus, B.D., D.Th.

Professor of Religion and Theology, Emeritus

Donald E. Pruis, M.B.A., C.P.A.

Professor of Business, Emeritus


Delvin L. Ratzsch, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus

Glenn A. Remelts, M.L.S., M.A.

Director, Hekman Library, Emeritus

Rodger R. Rice, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Sociology, Emeritus
Director of Social Research Center, Emeritus

Ruth K. Rus, M.M.

Associate Professor of Music, Emerita


Charsie Randolph Sawyer, M.A., D.M.A.

Professor of Music, Emerita

Lugene L. Schemper, M.Div, M.L.I.S.

Theological Librarian, Emeritus

John R. Schneider, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Religion, Emeritus

Quentin J. Schultze, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences, Emeritus

Allen L. Shoemaker, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology, Emeritus

Raymond L. Slager, M.S., C.P.A.

Professor of Business and Accounting, Emeritus

Howard J. Slenk, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Music, Emeritus

Corwin E. Smidt, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Political Science, Emeritus

J. William Smit, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Sociology, Emeritus

Calvin R. Stapert, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Music, Emeritus

Steven D. Steenwyk, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor of Physics, Emeritus

LeRoy D. Stegink, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Education, Emeritus

William R. Stevenson Jr., M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Political Science, Emeritus

William K. Stob, B.D., Th.M., Ed.D.

Dean of Student Life, Emeritus

Roger J. Stouwie, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology, Emeritus

Charles E. Strikwerda, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Political Science, Emeritus

Gloria G. Stronks, M.A., Ed.D.

Professor of Education, Emerita

William J. Stronks, M.A., Ph.D.

Director of Off-Campus Programs, Emeritus

Leonard Sweetman Jr., Th.B.

Professor of Religion and Theology, Emeritus

J. Aubrey Sykes, M.S., Ph.D., P.E.

Professor of Engineering, Emeritus


Robert H. Terborg, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology, Emeritus

John P. Tiemstra, Ph.D.

Professor of Economics, Emeritus

Peter V. Tigchelaar, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor of Biology, Emeritus

James R. Timmer, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Physical Education, Emeritus

John H. Timmerman, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of English, Emeritus

Glenn E. Triezenberg, M.S.W., M.B.A.

Director, Career Development, Emeritus

David B. Tuuk, M.A.

Professor of Physical Education, Emeritus


John L. Ubels, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor of Biology, Emeritus


Glen E. Van Andel, M.A., Re.D.

Professor of Recreation, Emeritus

David A. Van Baak, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Physics, Emeritus

Marten Vande Guchte, M.Ed., Ph.D.

Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences, Emeritus

Peter Vande Guchte, M.B.A., Ed.D.

Professor of Business, Emeritus

John Vanden Berg, M.A., Ph.D.

Vice President for Academic Administration, Emeritus

Diane D. Vander Pol, M.L.S.

Librarian, Emerita

Daniel Vandersteen, M.S.W.

Counselor, Broene Counseling Center, Emeritus

Steven J. Van Der Weele, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor of English, Emeritus

William Van Doorne, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus

Yvonne H. Van Ee, M.A.T., Ph.D.

Professor of Education, Emerita

Gordon L. Van Harn, Ph.D.

Provost, Emeritus
Professor of Biology, Emeritus

Gerald K. Van Kooten, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor of Geology, Emeritus

Lambert J. Van Poolen, M.S.M.E., Ph.D., P.E.

Professor of Engineering, Emeritus

Ellen R. Van’t Hof, M.A.

Associate Professor of Kinesiology, Emerita

Howard J. Van Till, Ph.D.

Professor of Physics, Emeritus

Gerard A. Venema, Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus

John Verwolf, M.Ed.

Director of Career Development, Emeritus

Clarence J. Vos, Th.B., Th.M., D.Th.

Professor of Religion and Theology, Emeritus


Clarence P. Walhout, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of English, Emeritus

Mary Ann Walters, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of English, Emerita

Julie Walton, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Kinesiology, Emerita

Glenn D. Weaver, M.Div., M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology, Emeritus

Ronald A. Wells, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of History, Emeritus

Richard F. Wevers, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Classical Languages, Emeritus

Jack Wiersma, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor of Education, Emeritus

Donald R. Wilson, M.Div., M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Sociology, Emeritus

John W. Worst, Ph.D.

Professor of Music, Emeritus

Stephen J. Wykstra, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus


Davis A. Young, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor of Geology, Emeritus


Doris J. Zuidema, M.A.

Professor of Physical Education, Emerita

Mary E. Zwaanstra, M.S.W.

Associate Professor of Social Work, Emerita

Uko Zylstra, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor of Biology, Emeritus




Adel S. Abadeer, M.A. (Assyut, 1980), M.A., PhD. (Boston, 1985, 1993)

Professor of Economics

Joel C. Adams, M.S., Ph.D. (Pittsburgh, 1986, 1988)

Professor of Computer Science

Kristen R. Alford, M.S.W. (New York-Albany, 2003)

Assistant Professor of Social Work

Grace L. Amuzie, M.A., Ph.D. (Michigan State, 2007, 2012)

Assistant Professor of English as a Second Language, Academic Services

Carolyn E. Anderson, Ph.D. (California-Irvine, 2003)

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Eric J. Arnoys, Ph.D. (Michigan State, 1998)

Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Adejoke B. Ayoola, M.S.N. (Obafemi Awolowo, 1998), Ph.D. (Michigan State, 2007)

Associate Professor of Nursing


Patrick M. Bailey, M.S. (Grand Valley State, 2003)

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Rachael A. Baker, Ph.D. (North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2013)

Assistant Professor of Biochemistry

Debra L. Bakker, M.A. (Western Michigan, 1989), H.S.D. (Indiana, 1995)

Professor of Kinesiology

Ryan B. Balili, M.S., Ph.D. (Pittsburgh, 2005, 2009)

Assistant Professor of Physics

Michael R. Barbachyn, Ph.D. (Wayne State, 1983)

Brummel Chair in Organic Chemistry
Professor of Chemistry

Johnathan B. Bascom, M.A. (Kansas State, 1983), Ph.D. (Iowa, 1989)

Professor of Geography

Ryan M. Bebej, Ph.D. (Michigan, 2011)

Assistant Professor of Biology

David E. Benson, Ph.D. (Illinois, 1997)

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Bruce R. Berglund, M.A. (Minnesota State, 1994), Ph.D. (Kansas, 1999)

Professor of History

Jerry G. Bergsma, M.A., D.Ed. (Western Michigan, 1996, 2011)

Professor of Kinesiology

Kenneth A. Bergwerff, M.Ed. (Grand Valley State, 1988)

Assistant Professor of Geology and Science Education

Thomas A. Betts, M.B.A. (Western Michigan, 1995)

Associate Professor of Business

Claudia D. Beversluis, M.A., Ph.D. (Loyola, 1981, 1983)

Professor of Psychology

David A. Billings, M.A. (Northern Illinois, 1993), Ph.D. (Loyola, 2000)

Assistant Professor of Philosophy

Mark D. Bjelland, M.S. (Washington, 1988), M.C.S. (Regent, 1995), Ph.D. (Minnesota, 2000)

Professor of Geography

Curtis L. Blankespoor, Ph.D. (Cornell, 1994)

Professor of Biology

Russell J. Bloem, M.S., M.B.A. (Michigan, 1977, 1983)

Vice President for Enrollment Management

Albert J. Boerema, M.A. (Royal Roads, 1999), Ph.D. (Vanderbilt, 2005)

Professor of Education

Erica J. Boldenow, Ph.D. (Michigan, 2014)

Assistant Professor of Biology

Brian R. Bolt, M.A.T. (North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1993), Ph.D. (North Carolina-Greensboro, 1996)

Professor of Kinesiology

*Michael D. Bolt, M.S., Ph.D. (Chicago, 1995, 2001)

Professor of Mathematics

Jeffrey P. Bouman, M.A. (Slippery Rock, 1989), Ph.D. (Michigan, 2004)

Director, Service-Learning Center

Cheryl K. Brandsen, M.S.W. (Michigan, 1981), Ph.D. (Michigan State, 2001)

Professor of Sociology and Social Work

Randall J. Brouwer, M.S.E.E., Ph.D. (Illinois-Urbana, 1988, 1991)

Professor of Engineering

Crystal N. Bruxvoort, M.A.T. (Drake, 1994), Ph.D. (Iowa State, 2005)

Associate Professor of Chemistry and Science Education

Debra J. Buursma, M.A. (Western Michigan, 1989), Ph.D. (Michigan State, 2005)

Associate Professor of Education

Elizabeth A. Byma, M.S.N. (Grand Valley State, 2004), Ph.D. (Michigan State, 2010)

Assistant Professor of Nursing


Neil E. Carlson, Ph.D. (Duke, 2000)

Director, Center for Social Research

Joel A. Carpenter, M.A., Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins, 1977, 1984)

Professor of History

Brian D. Cawley, M.A., Ph.D. (Akron, 1992, 1996)

Associate Professor of Business

Todd V. Cioffi, M.Div., Ph.D. (Princeton, 1993, 2007)

Assistant Professor of Congregational and Ministry Studies

Sandra K. Clevenger, M.A. (Michigan State, 1975), Ph.D. (New York, 1987)

Professor of Spanish

David A. Cook, M.S.Acc. (Western Michigan, 1979), C.P.A., M.B.A. (Grand Valley State, 1992)

Professor of Business and Accounting

Kevin J. Corcoran, M.A. (Yale, 1991), Ph.D. (Purdue, 1997)

Professor of Philosophy

C. Robert Crow, M.A. (Slippery Rock, 1987)

Director of Commuter Student Life and Assessment


Donald G. De Graaf, M.S. (Indiana, 1986), Ph.D. (Oregon, 1992)

Director, Off-Campus Programs
Professor of Kinesiology

†Christiana de Groot, M.A. (Chicago Divinity School, 1974), Ph.D. (Notre Dame, 1989)

Professor of Religion

Laura G. DeHaan, M.S., Ph.D. (Purdue, 1990, 1994)

Professor of Psychology

Randall J. DeJong, M.S. (Michigan State, 1997), Ph.D. (New Mexico, 2003)

Associate Professor of Biology

Kathleen L. De Mey, M.A. (South Florida, 1990)

Reference and Instruction Librarian

*Kevin R. den Dulk, M.A. (Georgia, 1995), Ph.D. (Wisconsin-Madison, 2001)

Paul B. Henry Chair in Christianity and Politics
Professor of Political Science

Leonard De Rooy, M.S.E. (Michigan, 1986), P.E. (State of Michigan)

Professor of Engineering

Stacy L. DeRuiter, Ph.D. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008)

Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics

Herman J. De Vries Jr., M.A., Ph.D. (Cincinnati, 1990, 1996)

Frederik Meijer Chair in Dutch Language and Culture
Queen Juliana Chair of the Language and Culture of the Netherlands
Professor of Germanic Languages

*Vicki L. De Vries, M.A., Ph.D. (Michigan State, 1999, 2006)

Associate Professor of French

Rebecca Konyndyk De Young, M.A., Ph.D. (Notre Dame, 1995, 2000)

Professor of Philosophy

Mary Molewyk Doornbos, M.S.N. (Michigan, 1983), Ph.D. (Wayne State, 1993)

Professor of Nursing

*David L. Dornbos Jr., M.S. (Ohio State, 1984), Ph.D. (Iowa State, 1988)

Professor of Biology

Jack M. Du Mez, M.A. (Marquette, 1998)

Assistant Professor of English, Academic Services

Kristin Kobes Du Mez, Ph.D. (Notre Dame, 2004)

Associate Professor of History

Lois M. Dye, M.A. (Western Michigan, 1994), M.L.I.S. (Wayne State, 2004)

Reference and Instruction Librarian

Pennylyn Dykstra-Pruim, M.A., Ph.D. (Wisconsin, 1989, 1995)

Associate Professor of Germanic Languages


Robert H. Eames, M.B.A. (Wisconsin, 1980)

Professor of Business

Christina B. Edmondson, M.S. (Rochester, 2004), Ph.D. (Tennessee State, 2009)

Dean of Intercultural Student Development

Chad A. Engbers, M.A., Ph.D. (Catholic, 1995, 2003)

Professor of English

Tiffany J. Engle, M.M. (Ithaca, 2001), D.M.A. (Michigan State, 2005)

Associate Professor of Music

Kenneth D. Erffmeyer, M.B.A. (Minnesota, 1988)

Vice President of Advancement

Gayle E. Ermer, M.S.E. (Wisconsin, 1987), Ph.D. (Michigan State, 1994)

Professor of Engineering


Susan M. Felch, M.A. (Wheaton, 1974), Ph.D. (Catholic, 1991)

Professor of English

R. John Ferdinands, Ph.D. (Purdue, 1988)

Professor of Mathematics

Mary E. Flikkema, M.S.N. (Grand Valley State, 1989)

Professor of Nursing

Debra L. Freeberg, M.A., Ph.D. (Pittsburgh, 1980, 1995)

Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences

David Fuentes, M.A. (Iowa, 1983), Ph.D. (Brandeis, 1988)

Professor of Music

Herbert R. Fynewever, Ph.D. (Wisconsin, 1998)

Associate Professor of Chemistry


Daniel M. Gelderloos, M.S. (Memphis, 1996), M.A. (Western Michigan, 1999)

Assistant Professor of Kinesiology

Margaret J. Goetz, M.S., M.A. (Ohio State, 1987, 1989), Ph.D. (Michigan 1999)

Professor of Speech Pathology and Audiology

Keith A. Grasman, M.S., Ph.D. (Virginia Polytechnic, 1992, 1995)

Professor of Biology

Anna Greidanus, M.F.A. (Michigan State, 1988)

Professor of Art

Arie J. Griffioen, M.A. (Iowa, 1983), Ph.D. (Marquette, 1988)

Professor of Religion

Kathi Groenendyk, M.A. (Texas A&M, 1994), Ph.D. (Penn State, 1999)

Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences

Ruth E. Groenhout, Ph.D. (Notre Dame, 1993)

Professor of Philosophy

Marjorie L. Gunnoe, M.A., Ph.D. (Virginia 1990, 1993)

Professor of Psychology


Frederick L. Haan, M.S., Ph.D. (Notre Dame, 1995, 2000)

Professor of Engineering

Stanley L. Haan, Ph.D. (Colorado, 1983)

Academic Dean
Professor of Physics

Loren D. Haarsma, M.S. (Washington, 1987), Ph.D. (Harvard, 1994)

Associate Professor of Physics

Matthew C. Halteman, M.A., Ph.D. (Notre Dame, 2001, 2003)

Associate Professor of Philosophy

Becky R. Haney, M.A., Ph.D. (Chicago, 1992, 1996), M.Div. (Duke, 2001)

Associate Professor of Economics

Craig A. Hanson, M.A., Ph.D. (Chicago, 1996, 2003)

Associate Professor of Art History

Lee P. Hardy, M.A. (Pittsburgh, 1980), M.A., Ph.D. (Duquesne, 1978, 1988)

Professor of Philosophy

Daniel C. Harlow, M.Div. (Princeton Theological Seminary, 1987), M.A., Ph.D. (Notre Dame, 1991, 1994)

Professor of Religion

Richard H. Harms, M.A. (Western Michigan, 1976), Ph.D. (Michigan State, 1984)

Curator of Heritage Hall

Paul E. Harper, M.A., Ph.D. (Princeton, 1990, 1996)

Associate Professor of Physics

Christopher A. Hartemink, Ph.D. (Harvard, 2004)

Associate Professor of Engineering

Phillip M. Hash, M.M. (Northwestern, 1996), D.Ed. (Illinois, 2006)

Associate Professor of Music

Geert E. Heetebrij, M.F.A (California-Los Angeles, 2014)

Assistant Professor of Communications Arts and Sciences

Gail G. Heffner, M.P.I.A. (Pittsburgh, 1980), Ph.D. (Michigan State, 2005)

Director, Community Engagement

Emily J. Helder, M.A., Ph.D. (Wayne State, 2006, 2009)

Associate Professor of Psychology

Jane E. Hendriksma, M.A. (Michigan State, 1984)

Dean of Student Conduct

Lawrence R. Herzberg, M.A. (Indiana, 1980)

Associate Professor of Asian Languages

Donald R. Hettinga, M.A., Ph.D. (Chicago, 1977, 1983)

Professor of English

*Matthew K. Heun, M.S., Ph.D. (Illinois, 1991, 1995)

Professor of Engineering

Kyle H. Heys, M.A. (Michigan State, 2010)

Associate Director, Academic Services

†Jonathan P. Hill, M.A., Ph.D. (Notre Dame, 2004, 2008)

Associate Professor of Sociology

Jennifer Steensma Hoag, M.F.A. (Rochester Institute, 1992)

Professor of Art

David A. Hoekema, Ph.D. (Princeton, 1981)

Professor of Philosophy

Robert J. Hoeksema, M.S.E. (Michigan, 1978), Ph.D. (Iowa, 1984)

Professor of Engineering

Roland G. Hoksbergen, M.A., Ph.D. (Notre Dame, 1982, 1986)

Professor of Economics

Jennifer L. Holberg, M.A., Ph.D. (Washington, 1991, 1997)

Professor of English

Arlene J. Hoogewerf, Ph.D. (Cornell, 1991)

Professor of Biology

Douglas A. Howard, M.A., Ph.D. (Indiana, 1982, 1987)

Professor of History

Todd K. Hubers, M.S. (Indiana, 1988)

Vice President of People. Strategy, and Technology

Mary S. Hulst, M.Div. (Calvin Theological Seminary, 1995), Ph.D. (Illinois, 2006)



†Brian A. Ingraffia, M.A., Ph.D. (California, 1986, 1993)

Associate Professor of English


James R. Jadrich, M.A., Ph.D. (California, 1984, 1991)

Professor of Physics and Science Education

Calvin C. Jen, M.Arch. (Michigan, 1978)

Associate Professor of Business

Kristine E. Johnson, M.A., Ph.D. (Purdue, 2006, 2009)

Assistant Professor of English

**Clarence W. Joldersma, M.Phil. (Institute for Christian Studies, 1983), M.Ed., Ph.D. (Toronto, 1987, 1994)

Professor of Education

Eric E. Jones, M.S., Ph.D. (Purdue, 2005, 2009)

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Hyunyi Jung, M.S. (Indiana, 2011), Ph.D. (Purdue, 2015)

Assistant Professor of Mathematics


Beth E. Kalkman, M.S.N. (Ferris State, 2013)

Assistant Professor of Nursing

Todd M. Kapitula, Ph.D. (Maryland, 1991)

Professor of Mathematics and Statistics

William H. Katerberg, M.A. (Notre Dame, 1990), M.A., Ph.D. (Queens, 1991, 1996)

Professor of History

Robert J. Keeley, M.A. (Colorado, 1982), Ph.D. (Denver, 1989)

Professor of Education

Hyesook Kim, M.M. (Seoul National, 1981), M.M., D.M.A. (Peabody Conservatory, 1983, 1990)

Professor of Music

Jong-Il Kim, M.S., Ph.D. (Washington State, 1993, 1996)

Associate Professor of Kinesiology

Yoon G. Kim, M.S., D.Sc. (Washington-St. Louis, 2000, 2005)

Associate Professor of Engineering

Young R. Kim, M.A., Ph.D. (Michigan, 2001, 2006)

Associate Professor of History

Lewis S. Klatt, M.Div. (Gordon-Conwell, 1991), M.A. (St. John’s, 1998), Ph.D. (Georgia, 2003)

Associate Professor of English

David S. Koetje, Ph.D. (Purdue, 1991)

Professor of Biology

Sarah E. McClure Kolk, M.A. (Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, 1999), M.S.I. (Michigan, 2004)

Reference and Instruction Librarian

Heather K. Koole, M.A., Ph.D. (Western Michigan, 2003, 2014)

Assistant Professor of Speech Pathology and Audiology

Janice B. Koop, M.S. (Michigan State, 1972), Ph.D. (Colorado, 1978)

Professor of Mathematics

†Douglas L. Koopman, M.T.S. (Wesley Seminary, 1984), M.A., Ph.D. (Catholic, 1988, 1992)

Professor of Political Science

Irene B. Kraegel, M.A., Psy.D. (Chicago, 2001, 2003)

Counselor, Broene Counseling Center

Brian M. Kreisman, M.S. (Washington, 1999), Ph.D. (Florida, 2003)

Associate Professor of Speech Pathology and Audiology

Joseph A. Kuilema, M.S.W. (Michigan, 2006)

Assistant Professor of Social Work

Tracy Kuperus, M.A., Ph.D. (Illinois, 1991, 1995)

Associate Professor, International Development Studies

Johanna C. Kuyvenhoven, M.A. (Trent, 1995), Ph.D. (British Columbia, 2005)

Professor of Education


Scott G. Lamanna, M.A., Ph.D. (Indiana-Bloomington, 2005, 2012)

Assistant Professor of Spanish

Won W. Lee, M.Div. (Princeton, 1990), M.A., Ph.D. (Claremont, 1996, 1998)

Professor of Religion

Youngkhill Lee, M.S. (Yonsei, 1985), Ph.D. (Oregon, 1990)

Professor of Kinesiology

Michael K. Le Roy, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt, 1994)


Francene L. Lewis, M.A.L.S. (Michigan, 1986)

Head of Collection Management

Brendan D. Looyenga, M.S., Ph.D. (Michigan, 2006, 2013)

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Laurence L. Louters, M.S. (Minnesota, 1974), Ph.D. (Iowa, 1984)

Professor of Biochemistry

Michelle R. Loyd-Paige, M.S., Ph.D. (Purdue, 1983, 1989)

Executive Associate to the President for Diversity and Inclusion
Professor of Sociology

Jaclynn L. Lubbers, M.S.N., D.N.P. (Grand Valley State, 2000, 2012)

Assistant Professor of Nursing

Matthew D. Lundberg, M.T.S. (Calvin Theological Seminary, 2000), Ph.D. (Princeton Theological Seminary, 2005)

Associate Professor of Religion

Henry M. Luttikhuizen, M.Phil. (Institute for Christian Studies, 1989), M.A., Ph.D. (Virginia, 1990, 1997)

Professor of Art History


Karin Y. Maag, M.Phil., Ph.D. (St. Andrews, 1991, 1994)

Professor of History

David B. Malone, M.A. (Wheaton, 1992), M.S. (Illinois-Urbana, 2002), M.Ed. (Northern Illinois, 2002)

Dean, Hekman Library

Elisha M. Marr, Ph.D. (Michigan State, 2006)

Associate Professor of Sociology

Rebecca A. McBride, M.A. (Georgetown, 2004), Ph.D. (Vanderbilt, 2013)

Assistant Professor of Political Science

Gregory F. Mellema, Ph.D. (Massachusetts, 1974)

Professor of Philosophy

Nancy L. Meyer, M.S. (Arizona, 1979), Ed.D. (Northern Colorado, 1986)

Professor of Kinesiology

Mark Michmerhuizen, M.S.E. (Michigan, 1990), M.B.A. (Grand Valley, 2004)

Assistant Professor of Engineering

Edward Miller Jr., M.A., Ph.D. (Indiana, 1976, 1991)

Professor of Spanish

Jesse R. Moes, Ph.D. (Michigan, 2012)

Assistant Professor of Nursing

Paul E. Moes, M.S. (Montana State, 1979), Ph.D. (Texas Christian, 1982)

Professor of Psychology

Lawrence A. Molnar, M.A., Ph.D. (Harvard, 1981, 1985)

Professor of Physics and Astronomy

Christopher G. Moseley, Ph.D. (North Carolina, 2001)

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Mark T. Mulder, M.A., Ph.D. (Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1997, 2003)

Professor of Sociology

Mark A. Muyskens, Ph.D. (Wisconsin-Madison, 1991)

Professor of Chemistry


Linda Naranjo-Huebl, M.A., Ph.D. (Colorado, 1994, 2001)

Associate Professor of English

Serita M. Nelesen, M.S., Ph.D. (Texas, 2006, 2009)

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Edward G. Nielsen, M.S.E. (Michigan, 1966)

Professor of Engineering

David C. Noe, Ph.D. (Iowa, 2003)

Associate Professor of Classics

Victor T. Norman, M.S., Ph.D. (Purdue, 1989, 1994)

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Richard A. Nyhof, M.S., Ph.D. (Michigan State, 1976, 1981)

Professor of Biology


Elizabeth R. Oommen, M.A., Ph.D. (Ohio, 2009, 2013)

Assistant Professor of Speech Pathology and Audiology

Bret J. Otte, M.A. (Central Michigan, 1996)

Assistant Professor of Kinesiology


Garth E. Pauley, M.A. (Texas A&M, 1995), Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State, 1999)

Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences

Mikael L. Pelz, M.A., Ph.D. (Missouri-Columbia, 2003, 2009)

Assistant Professor of Political Science

*Carl J. Plantinga, M.A. (Iowa, 1982), Ph.D. (Wisconsin-Madison, 1989)

Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences

Richard J. Plantinga, M.A., Ph.D. (McMaster, 1985, 1990)

Professor of Religion

W. Harry Plantinga, Ph.D. (Wisconsin-Madison, 1988)

Professor of Computer Science

**Kenneth E. Pomykala, M.Div. (Calvin Theological Seminary, 1981), M.A., Ph.D. (Claremont Graduate School, 1988, 1992)

Professor of Religion

Darren S. Proppe, M.S. (Eastern Kentucky, 2005), Ph.D. (Alberta, 2010)

Assistant Professor of Biology

Randall J. Pruim, Ph.D. (Wisconsin, 1995)

Professor of Mathematics

Dirk J. Pruis, M.B.A. (Michigan, 1984), C.P.A.

Assistant Professor of Business

Marcie J. Pyper, M.A., Ph.D. (Michigan State, 1985, 2005)

Professor of Spanish


Blake M. Riek, M.A., Ph.D. (Delaware, 2005, 2007)

Associate Professor of Psychology

Debra K. Rienstra, M.A., Ph.D. (Rutgers, 1991, 1995)

Professor of English

Jill R. Risner, M.B.A. (Ashland, 2005), D.B.A (Anderson, 2012)

Assistant Professor of Business

F. Corey Roberts, M.A., Ph.D. (Indiana-Bloomington, 1997, 2002)

Associate Professor of Germanic Languages and Literature

Maria N. Rodríguez, M.Ed. (Grand Valley State, 1998)

Assistant Professor of Spanish

William D. Romanowski, M.A. (Youngstown State, 1981), Ph.D. (Bowling Green State, 1990)

Arthur H. DeKruyter Chair in Faith and Communication
Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences

James K. Rooks, M.Ed., Ed.D. (Toronto, 1987, 1998)

Dean of Education
Professor of Education

Aleen Rose, M.A. (Michigan State, 2001)

Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Academic Services

John A. Ross, M.S. (Eastern Illinois, 1994)

Associate Professor of Kinesiology

Carol L. Rossman, M.S.N. (Saginaw Valley State, 1998), D.N.P. (Oakland, 2008)

Professor of Nursing

Paul S. Ryan, M.Div. (Calvin Theological Seminary, 2005)

Associate Chaplain, Worship


Karen E. Saupe, M.A. (Wright State, 1987), M.A., Ph.D. (Rochester, 1992, 1996)

Professor of English

†Kurt C. Schaefer, A.M., Ph.D. (Michigan, 1982, 1984)

Professor of Economics

Kaori Deguchi Schau, M.A. (Nagoya, 1991), Ph.D. (Purdue, 2000)

Assistant Professor of Japanese

Gary D. Schmidt, M.A., Ph.D. (Illinois, 1981, 1985)

Professor of English

Robert P. Schoone-Jongen, M.A. (Kentucky, 1973), M.A., Ph.D. (Delaware, 2003, 2007)

Associate Professor of History

Lissa M. Schwander, M.S.W. (Rutgers, 1997), Ph.D. (Michigan State, 2014)

Associate Professor of Social Work

Thomas L. Scofield, M.S., Ph.D. (Michigan State, 1994, 1998)

Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics

Otto H. Selles, M.A. (McMaster, 1988), D. de líU. (Paris-IV Sorbonne, 1994)

Professor of French

Kara C. Sevensma, M.Ed. (Calvin, 2007), Ph.D. (Michigan State, 2013)

Assistant Professor of Education

Pearl Shangkuan, M.M. (Westminster Choir College, 1988), D.M.A. (Rutgers, 1998)

Professor of Music

Anding Shen, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins, 2004)

Associate Professor of Biology

Olena Shkatulo, M.A., Ph.D. (Indiana, 2005, 2011)

Assistant Professor of Spanish

**S. Kumar Sinniah, Ph.D. (Pittsburgh, 1991)

Professor of Chemistry

Ronald J. Sjoerdsma, M.A. (Iowa, 1979), Ph.D. (California-Los Angeles, 1994)

Professor of Education

James R. Skillen, M.A. (Gordon-Conwell, 2000), Ph.D. (Cornell, 2006)

Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies

Cynthia G. Slagter, M.A. (New York, 1990), Ph.D. (Indiana, 2001)

Professor of Spanish

Samuel R. Smartt, M.F.A. (Wake Forest, 2013)

Assistant Professor of Communications Arts and Sciences

*Christopher R. Smit, Ph.D. (Iowa, 2004)

Associate Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences

Laura A. Smit, M.Div. (Calvin Theological Seminary, 1987), Ph.D. (Boston, 1998)

Professor of Religion

David I. Smith, M.Phil. (Institute for Christian Studies, 1997), Ph.D. (London, 2000)

Professor of Education

James K. A. Smith, M. Phil. (Institute for Christian Studies, 1995), Ph.D. (Villanova, 1999)

Gary & Henrietta Byker Chair in Applied Reformed Theology and Worldview
Professor of Philosophy

Jason P. Smolinski, M.S., Ph.D. (Michigan State, 2008, 2011)

Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy

Debra L. Snyder, M.H.A. (Ohio State, 1989), Ph.D. (Kent State, 2003)

Professor of Business

Peter J. Snyder, M.B.A. (Kansas, 1993), M.A. (Wheaton, 2001), Ph.D. (Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2008)

Associate Professor of Business

John A. Sparks, M.S. (Slippery Rock, 2000)

Assistant Professor of Kinesiology

C. Renee Sparks, M.S. (Kansas State, 1994), Ph.D. (Kansas, 2001)

Professor of Geology

Franklin D. Speyers, M.S. (Pratt Institute, 1977)

Professor of Art

Jason M. Stansbury, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt, 2011)

James & Judith Chambery Fellow for the Study of Ethics in Business
Associate Professor of Business

Marilyn S. Stansbury, C.P.A., M.B.A. (Xavier, 2001)

Associate Professor of Business

Ralph F. Stearley, M.S. (Utah, 1988), Ph.D. (Michigan, 1990)

Professor of Geology

Timothy H. Steele, M.Mus. (Temple, 1983), Ph.D. (Chicago, 1993)

Associate Professor of Music

Thomas L. Steenwyk, M.A. (Michigan State, 1990)

Registrar and Director of Academic Services

Philip B. Stegink, M.A. (Northern Colorado, 1980)

Assistant Professor of Education

R. Scott Stehouwer, M.A., Ph.D. (Wayne State, 1977, 1978)

Professor of Psychology

Michael J. Stob, M.S., Ph.D. (Chicago, 1975, 1979)

Dean for Academic Administration
Professor of Mathematics

Nathan S. Sunukjian, Ph.D. (Michigan State)

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Katherine E. Swart, M.S.I. (Michigan, 2008)

Collection Development Librarian


Gary W. Talsma, M.S., Ph.D. (Purdue, 1975, 1986)

Professor of Mathematics

Chad D. Tatko, Ph.D. (North Carolina, 2004)

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Donald J. Tellinghuisen, M.A., Ph.D. (Iowa, 1991, 1994)

Professor of Psychology

Dwight E. TenHuisen, M.A., Ph.D. (Illinois-Urbana, 1991, 2005)

Professor of Spanish

Marjorie A. Terpstra, M.Ed. (Grand Valley, 2005), Ph.D. (Michigan State, 2009)

Associate Professor of Education

Thomas R. Thompson, M.Div., Th.M. (Calvin Theological Seminary, 1986, 1988), Ph.D. (Princeton, 1996)

Professor of Religion

Alisa J. Tigchelaar, M.A., Ph.D. (Indiana, 1995, 1999)

Associate Professor of Spanish

James R. Timmer Jr., M.S., Ph.D. (New Mexico, 1993, 1995)

Professor of Kinesiology

Barbara Timmermans, M.S. (Michigan, 1983), Ph.D. (New Mexico, 2000)

Associate Professor of Nursing

Kevin Timpe, Ph.D. (St. Louis, 2004)

William Harry Jellema Chair in Christian Philosophy
Professor of Philosophy

Renard G. Tubergen, M.S.E., Ph.D. (Purdue, 1991, 1995)

Associate Professor of Engineering

James M. Turner, Ph.D. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994)

Professor of Mathematics and Statistics


**David V. Urban, M.A., Ph.D. (Illinois at Chicago, 1994, 2001), M.Div. (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1998)

Professor of English


Jennifer J. Van Antwerp, M.S., Ph.D. (Illinois-Urbana, 1997, 1999)

Professor of Engineering

Jeremy G. Van Antwerp, M.S., Ph.D. (Illinois-Urbana, 1997, 1999)

Professor of Engineering

Todd M. Vanden Berg, M.A., Ph.D. (New York-Buffalo, 1992, 1996)

Professor of Sociology

James Vanden Bosch, M.A. (Ohio, 1972)

Professor of English

Douglas A. Vander Griend, M.S., Ph.D. (Northwestern, 1997, 2000)

Professor of Chemistry

Evert M. Van Der Heide, M.A., Ph.D. (Wayne State, 1975, 1982)

Professor of Economics

†Steven H. VanderLeest, M.S.E.E. (Michigan Tech, 1991), Ph.D. (Illinois-Urbana, 1995)

Professor of Engineering

Elizabeth A. Vander Lei, M.A., Ph.D. (Arizona State, 1987, 1995)

Academic Dean
Professor of English

Scott H. Vander Linde, M.A., Ph.D. (Notre Dame, 1984, 1989)

Professor of Economics

Keith N. Vander Linden, M.S. (Iowa, 1985), Ph.D. (Colorado, 1993)

Professor of Computer Science

Sally J. Vander Ploeg, J.D. (Indiana, 1985)

Vice President for Administration and Finance

Judith M. Vander Woude, M.A. (Central Michigan, 1986), Ph.D. (Wayne State, 1998)

Professor of Speech Pathology and Audiology

Kevin N. Vande Streek, M.A. (South Dakota, 1986)

Professor of Kinesiology

Deanna van Dijk, M.A., Ph.D. (Waterloo, 1993, 1998)

Professor of Geography

Randall G. Van Dragt, M.S. (Cornell, 1971), Ph.D. (Rhode Island, 1985)

Professor of Biology

Leonard D. Van Drunen, Ph.D. (Purdue, 1985)

Professor of Business

Christina J. Van Dyke, M.A., Ph.D. (Cornell, 1997, 2000)

Professor of Philosophy

Jason E. VanHorn, M.S. (Texas A&M, 2003), Ph.D. (Ohio State, 2007)

Associate Professor of Geography

Frans A. van Liere, M.Div., M.A., Ph.D. (Groningen, 1988, 1989, 1995)

Professor of History

Katherine Elliot van Liere, M.A. (Cambridge, 1992), Ph.D. (Princeton, 1995)

Professor of History

Jo-Ann Van Reeuwyk, M.A. (Simon Fraser, 1990)

Associate Professor of Art

William E. Van Vugt, M.A. (Kent State, 1981), Ph.D. (London School of Economics, 1986)

Professor of History

Rachel M. Venema, M.S.W. (Michigan, 2005), Ph.D. (Illinois, 2013)

Associate Professor of Social Work

Kurt A. Ver Beek, M.S. (Azusa Pacific, 1992), Ph.D. (Cornell, 1996)

Professor of Sociology

Susan K. Verwys, M.A. (Chicago, 1978), Ph.D. (Michigan State, 2009)

Associate Professor of Education

Sarah Visser, M.Ed. (Azusa Pacific, 2004), Ph.D. (Claremont Graduate, 2015)

Vice President of Student Life

Jolene E. Vos-Camy, M.A., Ph.D. (Indiana, 1994, 2000)

Professor of French

Julie A. Voskuil, M.B.A. (Western Michigan, 2002), C.P.A.

Associate Professor of Business and Accounting


John R. Walcott, M.A.T. (Calvin, 1994), Ph.D. (Michigan State, 2012)

Assistant Professor of Education

Matthew S. Walhout, M.S., Ph.D. (Maryland, 1990, 1994)

Dean for Research and Scholarship
Professor of Physics

Dean A. Ward, Ph.D. (Virginia, 1987)

Professor of English

Amber L. Warners, M.S., Ph.D. (Michigan State, 1995, 2005)

Professor of Kinesiology

David P. Warners, M.S. (Wisconsin, 1989), Ph.D. (Michigan, 1997)

Professor of Biology

Eric M. Washington, M.A. (Miami, 1993), Ph.D. (Michigan State, 2010)

Associate Professor of History

Micah J. Watson, M.A. (Baylor, 2000), M.A., Ph.D. (Princeton, 2002, 2007)

William Spoelhof Teacher-Scholar in Residence
Associate Professor of Political Science

W. Wayne Wentzheimer, M.S.E., Ph.D. (Pennsylvania, 1966, 1969)

Professor of Engineering

**John T. Wertz, Ph.D. (Michigan State, 2006)

Associate Professor of Biology

Nalova E. Westbrook, M.A., Ph.D. (Penn State, 2004, 2013)

Assistant Professor of Education

Joel H. Westra, M.A., Ph.D. (Chicago, 2000, 2004)

Associate Professor of Political Science

Richard W. Whitekettle, M.A.R., Th.M. (Westminster Theological Seminary, 1986, 1994), M. Phil., Ph.D. (Yale, 1992, 1995)

Professor of Religion

Stacey M. B. Wieland, M.A. (Southern California, 2001), Ph.D. (Colorado, 2007)

Associate Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences

Jennifer Hardy Williams, M.A., Ph.D. (California-Irvine, 1997, 2004)

Associate Professor of English

Mark F. Williams, M.A. (North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1977), Ph.D. (Illinois, 1982)

Professor of Classics

Roman R. Williams, M.Div. (Columbia International, 2000), M.Th. (Gordon-Conwell, 2003), Ph.D. (Boston, 2010)

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Amy M. Wilstermann, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt, 2002)

Associate Professor of Biology

John Witte, M.A. (Bowling Green, 1993)

Dean of Students

John D. Witvliet, M.T.S. (Calvin Theological Seminary, 1992), M.M. (Illinois, 1993), M.A., Ph.D. (Notre Dame, 1996, 1997)

Professor of Music, Congregational and Ministry Studies

Benita Wolters-Fredlund, M.A. (British Columbia, 1999), Ph.D. (Toronto, 2005)

Associate Professor of Music

Amanda I. Worst, M.S.W. (Western Michigan, 2011)

Counselor, Broene Counseling Center

David B. Wunder, M.S. (Iowa, 1994), P.E. (State of Minnesota), Ph.D. (Minnesota, 2010)

Professor of Engineering


**Julie E. Yonker, Ph.D. (Stockholm, 2003)

Associate Professor of Psychology


Gail L. Zandee, M.S.N. (Wayne State, 1993)

Associate Professor of Nursing

Dianne M. Zandstra, M.A., Ph.D. (Michigan State, 1993, 2001)

Professor of Spanish

Jane C. Zwart, M.A., Ph.D. (Boston, 2002, 2009)

Associate Professor of English